Issue 1, August 2016
The first edition of Nomanis is out and I suspect that many of you will be asking ‘Why Nomanis?’ or perhaps ‘What is Nomanis?’
The detail of the story that lies behind Nomanis is told in the 'About' section, but in brief, it is a"vehicle for promoting the ideas and evidence about effective instruction in reading and related skills, for teachers, parents, fellow professionals and policy makers".
Our aim is to provide readable and engaging accounts of developments in the teaching of reading and writing, distilled from the sometimes rather esoteric, and certainly dry, research literature.
You can download the whole issue here (10.6Mb), or download the following individual articles:
How children learn to read – a position statement: Molly de Lemos
The future matters in education, but not in the way you think: Greg Ashman
FIVE from FIVE – Effective reading instruction in every classroom, every day: Jennifer Buckingham
We hope that you enjoy this first issue of Nomanis. Please feel free to pass it on to your colleagues and friends, and we welcome contributions and correspondence.