Issue 5, July 2018
In this edition, we canvass topics such as providing whole-school support for students with learning difficulties, South Australia's trial of the Year One Phonics Check, why the term dyslexia is useful, why it's time to call a truce in the reading wars, and the history of Direct Instruction.
You can view a digital edition of Nomanis here, download a PDF of the whole edition here (11mb), or download the individual articles below:
Editorial: Herding cats – Reflections on conducting randomised control trials in schools: Kevin Wheldall
What we’ve been reading: Nomanis editorial team
South Australia's trial of England's Year One phonics check - why we need it: Jennifer Buckingham and Kevin Wheldall
We can do better than Reading Recovery: John Kenny
We should not get rid of the term dyslexia: Linda Siegel
Achieving whole-school support for students with learning difficulties – 10 things to consider: Robyn Wheldall
War and Peace in reading – how about a truce: Jim Rose
A frank truth – all instruction guides and supports explicit learning: Steve Dysktra
The long history of Direct Instruction research – Part 1: Kerry Hempenstall
How well prepared are Australian preservice teachers to teach early reading: Lin Meeks
We hope you enjoy reading this issue – please share it with your friends and colleagues.