Issue 11, June 2021
In this edition, we tackle a critical question: are we there yet, on the long winding road towards improving reading instruction? Pamela Snow provides her thoughts.
With COVID-19 and remote learning still dominating headlines, we look at some of the impacts – whether on student wellbeing or our love of a ‘real’ book. Tanya Serry draws comparisons between a hypothetical COVID-19 Screening Check and the Phonics Screening Check, while Jennifer Buckingham delves into the research on how this simple test influences reading outcomes.
Elsewhere in this edition, we feature contributions, among others, from Anna Desjardins on ‘print-to-speech’ and ‘speech-to-print’, Timothy Shanahan on another hot topic – sequences of instruction, and Kevin and Robyn Wheldall on curriculum-based measurement in reading.
You can view a digital edition of Nomanis here, download a PDF of the whole edition here (2mb), or read the individual articles below:
But what if there was a screening test for COVID-19?: Tanya Serry
Are we there yet? The long, steep and winding road towards improved reading instruction: Pamela Snow
Does the Year 1 Phonics Check lead to improved reading outcomes?: Jennifer Buckingham
Mentioning the WARs – Let’s do the timed WARP again: Kevin and Robyn Wheldall
Independent research and the Arrowsmith Program: Caroline Bowen
Book review – The Power of Explicit Teaching and Direct Instruction: Nicola Bell
Please share this issue with your friends and colleagues, and we would welcome your feedback.